Thorndon: Improving our woodland with coppicing

A new woodland management programme using coppicing is starting this month at Thorndon Country Park.

Posted on 1st February 2024

Trees at Thorndon Country Park

What is a coppice?

A coppice is an area of wood that has been cut down to ground level, the stumps then regenerating to form new stems. This process allows sunlight to reach the ground, encouraging grasses, wildflowers and shrubs to grow.

Why is coppicing important?

Coppicing improves our woodlands. It increases biodiversity by creating new habitats for flowers, birds, insects and mammals that would not live beneath tall forest. Devil’s Head Plantation has been managed as a Sweet Chestnut coppice for many years.

When is it happening?

Starting on 5 February 2024, we will be managingone quarter of this coppice by cutting the stems growing from the existing coppice stools. We will leave any standard trees and conserve any veteran trees.

What's next?

We will rotate through the whole coppice, cutting one quarter every 5 years.

This work forms part of our Woodland Management Plan which has been approved by Forestry Commission and Natural England.

For your safety, please do not enter the felling area when work is underway and keep your dog on a lead.

If you have any questions about Coppice or our Woodland Management Plan, please email


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