Thorndon: Woodland Ride Improvement works

A new programme of tree felling works at Thorndon Country Park which will improve the woodland pathways and allow species to thrive is about to start.

Posted on 1st December 2023

Taking place throughout the winter, the Woodland Ride Improvement works will see small trees felled to allow more sunlight through, and thereby create a more diverse woodland that supports grasses, flowers, shrubs, insects and animals.

The aim is to have wider paths that are flower rich and that have a shrub area between the tracks and the existing tall trees.

As part of the Essex Forest Initiative, species such as Hawthorn and Guelder Rose will be planted to create the shrub area.

The works are part of Thorndon’s Woodlands Management Plan and have been approved by the Forestry Commission.

As part of the programme, the grass will be cut every year, the flowers and brambles every three years and the shrubs and trees every eight to ten years.

While the Woodland Ride Improvement works are taking place please do not enter the felling area and please keep your dog(s) on the lead.

If you have any questions regarding the Woodland Ride Improvement programme please email


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