Landscape Imaginary - Cudmore Grove Map
Take a self-guided walk at Cudmore Grove for a sensorial re-imagining of the landscape
Throughout the summer of 2022, artist duo Daniel & Clara will be presenting Landscape Imaginary, a series of exhibitions and events at venues across East Anglia, including Jaywick Martello Tower from Thursday 28 – Sunday 31 July.

Landscape Imaginary refers to the zone where inner and outer experiences of place exist as one, it is our psychological experience of the landscape and the dream of the landscape itself. It is the meeting point between the personal and that which lays beyond our grasp.
During the spring lockdown of 2020 Daniel & Clara unexpectedly found themselves residents of Mersea Island on the Essex coast. During their daily walks, they created a body of work called ‘On The Island’ which consists of 100 videos filmed over one year. A response to the psychological impact of the global pandemic and the physical restrictions of lockdown, this work captures the disorientation and sense of rupture that was experienced through that time.
Landscape Imaginary follows on from this work, featuring a map for a self-guided walk at Cudmore Grove Country Park that invites you on a sensorial re-imagining of the landscapes.
The walk is designed to be taken from any point within Cudmore Grove and offers participants the chance to pause and reflect within the stunning landscape of the country park.
Download the free Cudmore Grove map here.
Plan your visit to Cudmore Grove Country Park here.