Caveman Day

With this day, your class can experience and explore the challenges of day-to-day life in the Stone Age.

The day could include:

  • Adventure - how to build a home using the natural environment
  • Fire lighting - learning the history of fire lighting and how to use a flint and steel
  • Creating - understanding how to use natural resources to your benefit
  • Hunting - games such as hide and seek to understand camouflage
  • Communication - team challenges to understand how to communicate without words
  • Art - using nature to re-create pictures


£8.00 per child


Danbury Country Park, CM3 4AW

Thorndon Country Park, CM13 3RZ

Weald Country Park, CM14 5QS

Please Note

Ideal for KS1 and KS2 and can be adapted to suit your class and curriculum. Just let us know your requirements.

To Book

To book call 01245 223342